The Joint Supercomputer Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JSCC RAS) is holding the International Scientific Conference "Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge: problems and solutions" - CDSSK-2020. Moscow. November 10 - 12, 2020

The conference is devoted to the formation of a Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) as a fundamentally new computer environment that unites heterogeneous (documentary and factual) resources of various fields of science, both humanitarian and natural.

The conference is the result of the transformation of a scientific conference with a 35-year history "Information support of science: new technologies" and is focused on creating a forum reflecting the pressing problems of the formation and use of digital information resources in the field of science and education.

The purpose of the upcoming conference is to identify, systematize and define approaches to solving scientific, technological, linguistic, organizational, legal problems of the creation of the CDSSK. Taking into account the multifaceted nature of the problem of creating the CDSSK, scientific institutions specializing in informatics, universities, scientific libraries, museums, archives, and publishing houses act as co-organizers of the conference.

Within the framework of the scientific conference, it is planned to hold a plenary session and four sessions of sections on the following topics:

The Conference is sponsored by CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Registration for participation in the conference